Late period?

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Late period?

Unread post by awcryinqq »


About 2 week ago, my boyfriend and I dry humped with both of our underwear on, and I remember there being pre-cum on his underwear and I'm worried it could have transferred through mine. He did not ejaculate, and he also peed an hour prior to all of this. I'm worried because I am currently a day late for my period, and usually my period runs like clock work. Should I take a test, or is that unecessary?
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Re: Late period?

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, awcryinqq

Dry humping like that doesn't pose a risk of pregnancy, so you don't need to worry. It isn't unusual for periods to be a few days late from time to time.

If you'd like to learn more about the pregnancy risks associated with different activities, check out this article: Can I Get Pregnant, or Get or Pass On an STI From That?

I saw that you've asked a similar question before. It isn't wrong, but does this sort of thing worry you a lot? If it does, you might like to read this article: You're Not Pregnant. Why Do You Think You Are? It has a guide on how to handle pregnancy fears.
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