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What is this part of my vulva? I have never seen anyone else with it!

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:40 pm
by foundfarabove
Let's cut to the chase.
I(16F) have some sort of extra piece on my vulva? It's located right above my vagina and is an erogenous ... What? Thing? It's not my clit, I've seen the two in the same room at once, and I'm sure it's not anything to do with my labia, as it's very separated from them. I've had this growth/flesh/bit/whatever for as long as I've known. As for appearance, it's almost a diamond shape and a different color from the rest of my vulva, and is a little small and fleshy/squishy. So anyways, what could this be? I've never seen it illustrated or otherwise represented before, and I've scrolled these boards for a few hours and haven't seem to have found anybody with this same "issue". I was thinking of asking a doctor or my mother, but I don't know man... If it's just a normal piece of anatomy that nobody ever talks about, it would feel a bit silly to get so worked up over it, no? I've neither been to a gynecologist either so I'm a bit nervous to ask about it.

If anybody knows what this is or have any advice on finding out what that would be a great help. Thanks and have a great evening :3

Re: What is this part of my vulva? I have never seen anyone else with it!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 7:12 am
by Sam W
Hi foundfarabove,

Given that you've had this as long as you can remember, that suggests that it's just part of how your vulva is shaped and unlikely to be something you'd need to check with a gynecologist about, at least in terms of whether it's an issue (if you were at an appointment, you could certainly ask for their help figuring out what you're seeing). Vulvas and their components have a TON of variation in how they look, including looking ways that don't really match the standard diagrams that are out there.

In terms of figuring out what this tissue might be, is it between your clitoris and your urethra, or is it between your urethra and the vagina?

Re: What is this part of my vulva? I have never seen anyone else with it!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 11:09 pm
by foundfarabove
Thanks for answering.
It's between my urethra and vagina.

Re: What is this part of my vulva? I have never seen anyone else with it!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:39 am
by Sam W
Got it. So, with the caveat that it's hard to be certain about this without looking at it, it does sound like what you're noticing is part of your labia minora; it really can have a lot of variation, including in shape, size, and color, and the fact that you've noticed it has some sexual sensitivity would track with it being your labia as well. I wonder, if you take a look at some of these vulva illustrations, if you might see something similar to what you notice on your own body: ... ustrations

Re: What is this part of my vulva? I have never seen anyone else with it!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:45 am
by foundfarabove
Thanks! After looking at the examples, I can certainly say that it *might* be my labia minora, although I'm not 100% sure as it's rather separated from it.
I'll just assume it is though :)

Re: What is this part of my vulva? I have never seen anyone else with it!

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:35 am
by Nicole
You're welcome! If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Diagrams and illustrations can help a lot, but we also must remember that every body is different so these images are just something to consider when navigating that region of your body. Although, as you mentioned earlier, you can ask a gynecologist about it as well.