how to clean stains/safety

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how to clean stains/safety

Unread post by swimminginspace »

hi scarleteen! how do i know if something's female ejaculate; would i be able to feel it happening or is it possible to not feel it and just see it afterwards? would the stain look noticeably different? what's the best way to safely and discreetly clean up stains?
basically, i had a scare where i cleaned a stain with a disinfectant that i initially couldn't tell had bleach or not, and i was like "omg what if this is ejaculate, that would mean it's urine and the combo would kill me" which was not fun! ended up being resolved because 1. i figured out the wipes had ammonia and no bleach 2. it was so obviously a sweat stain, but i'd like to avoid this panic in the future 😅 my anxiety is something else when it flares up!
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Re: how to clean stains/safety

Unread post by Jacob »

It sounds like you resolved most of this on your own!

In terms of whether you would be able to feel it coming out, I'd say the internal bodily feeling of ejaculating is very subjective, but I do think in most cases we tend to notice if there is liquid beneath us if it wasn't there before!

In terms of discrete stain-cleaning, I think the double-whammy is a. doing your own laundry and b. actually being ok with the fact that sometimes things just stain, and we either live with the stain or replace the thing.
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Don't see why they call it lonesome.
I'm never lonesome when I go there." Connie Converse - Talkin' Like You
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