Weird, nonsensical semi-sexual thoughts when I'm going to sleep?

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Weird, nonsensical semi-sexual thoughts when I'm going to sleep?

Unread post by mari »

So, like, sometimes when I'm about to fall asleep i start having kinda nonsensical, dream-like thoughts that I don't understand at all when I remember them. Like... randomly thinking of red dancing penguins or something. But last night, the random thoughts got kinda... weird? In my thoughts, I was able to see the penis or a guy I knew? Like, it was super weird because I didn't get aroused or think of anything sexual, but when I sorta snapped out of it I was like "ew why the heck did I think about that" and stuff. I'd previously been thinking about this guy because I was worried I was attracted to him, although I've thought about it more and I think I'm not, at least definitely not in a sexual or romantic way. So I'm just like... why? Should I just treat it like a weird dream that doesn't mean anything? Usually my pre-dream nonsensical thoughts don't have any meaning or reason to them, but I'm worried that this is my mind trying to tell me that I'm having perverted thoughts about him, even though I don't think I'm attracted to him at all. Again, I thought about it but not in a sexual way? Like, I was like "oh it's there" but I didn't desire to touch it or do anything with it. But like... idk. I feel like normal people don't think about other people's privates when they're about to fall asleep. So I'm worried.
Not too sure if this makes sense, sorry. I woke up this morning kinda anxious about it, and then felt better for a few hours, but I saw a post about dreams which then reminded me of the pre-dream weird thoughts. It feels like the dumbest stuff will just trigger these annoying anxiety reactions to memories that shouldn't mean anything. Idk.
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Re: Weird, nonsensical semi-sexual thoughts when I'm going to sleep?

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, Mari! Don't worry, this makes sense.

I can understand why this would be concerning, but I think you can go ahead and just treat it as a weird thing your mind came up with- it really does not have to mean anything at all. Let me assure you that such thoughts are not that unusual- people just don't make a point of talking about such things for reasons that you may understand.
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