Prepping for Anal

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Prepping for Anal

Unread post by anony-moose »

I am a trans man (only medical transition at this point is testosterone). I am starting to see a cisgender man who is really amazing, however neither of us are comfortable bottoming. I have tried vaginal insertion in the past and have always found it both painful and dysphoric. He is aware of this and is fully supportive of my boundaries and keeping things to just hand stuff. We understand that sex is only a part of our relationship and we mix well in other ways that matter more to us.

However, I am interested in receiving anal since it removes the dysphoria factor. I want to try some things on my own first to make sure I'm comfortable with it. I am planning to get a dildo and lube to try on myself but I really don't know what it means to prep for insertion.

Should I always use a condom on a dildo for sanitary reasons? What things should I know before trying to prep for any anal insertion? Are there any better small steps I should try first?

Thank you all in advance!
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Re: Prepping for Anal

Unread post by Sofi »

Hi there, anony-moose, welcome to the boards!
You don't HAVE to use a condom on your personal dildo when used to masturbate, although it's recommended like you stated for sanitary reasons, so if you have easy enough access to them do so - but otherwise, you can also just make sure to wash your dildo really well after every use, using mild soap and warm water or a toy cleaner made for that. Depending on the material of your toy, it varies, but that's something you can research.

As far as what other things you should know, the main thing is to go at your own pace and never push your body if you feel pain (some discomfort might happen at first, but pain should be a sign something isn't right. Often, that thing is not enough lube - I can't state enough how important using lube, and LOTS of it, is when it comes to anal insertion. Anal tissue is very delicate, so just take your time with it. You can start with a plug or smaller dildo to get used to that first before moving on to a "regular sized" dildo.

Does this all sound helpful? Did you have any more questions or concerns?
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Re: Prepping for Anal

Unread post by anony-moose »

That helps a lot, thank you. I don't have any more concerns at this time
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