
Questions and discussion about your sexuality and how it's a part of who you are as a person.
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Unread post by 26beanbags »

hello!! ive recently realized that i am not 100% sure ab my sexuality. for now, i am just going by sapphic (as an umbrella term ((thanks a lot oscar issac :roll: )), but am kinda confused ab my attraction. i dont think i'll ever be happy in a relationship. i feel like i want to be VERY BEST friends with somebody, but when romantic attraction comes into the scenario, i feel like i can only fantasize. i do (very much) experience sexual attraction (to celebrities and such), but no ACTUAL romantic shit. sooooo, is this normal and my mind is suckerpunching me, or am i somewhere on the aro spec. thxx :3
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Re: ughhhhhhh

Unread post by Nicole »

Hi 23beanbags,

Thank you for reaching out! So, we cannot tell what your sexuality is or isn't, but we can provide you with some information on the aromantic spectrum so you can see if your experiences fit into it. Are you interested in this? Also, I do not think that anything you've expressed is abnormal in any way, as people experience attraction in different ways and there is not one "normal" way to do it. I hope this makes sense.
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Re: ughhhhhhh

Unread post by 26beanbags »

i do think there is a possibility i could be on the aro spec! id love to take a look at any info you have <3 thx
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Re: ughhhhhhh

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, 26beanbags

Here are some resources:

AUREA: The Aromantic-spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy (They have a lot of resources, I recommend starting with the FAQ)
Am I Aro? (Remember that you don't need to relate to all the statements to be aromantic)
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