Oral sex

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Oral sex

Unread post by eliziaenlope »

Hi i'm 16f and i recently gave a guy a blowjob. I did it cus i thought i would like it but i hated it. I feel grossed out now and idk why. I feel rly bad and everytime i think about it i feel sick. Is this bad? Am i normal? I rly want to like it but i just can't.
Sam W
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Re: Oral sex

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi eliziaenlope,

You know, our feelings aren't really "good" or "normal" in the way people tend to use those words; they just are. And more to the point, people can and do feel all kinds of ways about different sexual activities, and you're far from the first person to want to like a specific sexual activity only to find out that it just doesn't make you feel good.

That being said, it could be helpful to take a moment to see if you can identify where that gross feeling is coming from. Did you just not like the activity? Was there something about the dynamic of the moment or the circumstances that lead to you having oral sex that felt icky in some way? Something else?
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