Into weird stuff, worried I won't find someone interested

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Into weird stuff, worried I won't find someone interested

Unread post by hellohello333 »

I am 16 years old, I'm currently a junior in highschool and I've yet to be in a proper relationship with anyone. All of my life I have had a scat and urine fetish (mostly for people having accidents in their clothes).

I know all sexual fetishes and representation are normal and healthy but the reality is that most people find this type of thing disgusting, so I'm worried that I won't find anyone I can share my interests with.

I also have the problem of increasingly being less attracted to things unrelated to this fetish, and even when I try new things it just results in unsatisfying, way too long masturbation sessions which don't make me feel too good afterwards. I'm worried I'll eventually only be able to orgasm to this, please help
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Re: Into weird stuff, worried I won't find someone interested

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, hellohello333

I can understand why you'd be worried that you won't find anyone who will share your interests, but let me assure you that that won't be the case. Bear with me while I do some math. If only one percent of people like something, I think we can say that it is an uncommon interest. One percent of the population of California is 389,000 people- that is a lot. There are plenty of people out there who share your interests. I do think it will be easier to find these people once you're older- you'll have access to spaces where people talk more openly about fetishes, more mobility, and your dating pool will be bigger.

Don't try to pressure yourself to be attracted to something other than this- it isn't that unusual for people to have periods where they are just more attracted to certain things. When you feel up to it, it isn't a bad idea to keep exploring without pressuring or judging yourself- you may find other things that you'll enjoy.
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