Update: Still having pregnancy scare thoughts. Help!

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Update: Still having pregnancy scare thoughts. Help!

Unread post by ailel »

Hi! It has almost been a month since my last sexual encounter (last Sept. 6th, protected sex) and took the yupze method the same day and followed the instructions correctly. Bled for almost 5 days after taking the EC which I assume is Withrdrawal bleeding. Also took 2 PTs, on the 14th day (sept. 20) and the first day of my supposed period (sept. 30) and both showed negative. Also lately I have been feeling some cramps, body pain, sleepiness, increase and decrease in cravings and eating, and discharges that range from white, sticky to white thin with mild odor.

Should I take another PT? Should I get a blood test? Should I start worrying that I might be pregnant (I hope not pls huhu) or should I stop worrying because the delay is possibly caused by the EC?
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Re: Update: Still having pregnancy scare thoughts. Help!

Unread post by Sofi »

Hi ailel,
What you describe could easily be symptoms of your menstrual cycle, and if I'm understanding you're not technically late yet, but it's of course up to you if you take a pregnancy test or not, and sometimes it's okay to do one just to really be sure and ease any anxiety. You know your body better than anyone else, and if your cycle is regular and you find yourself more than a week late then it's a safe choice to take one just to be sure.
I do however want to talk more about this anxiety that is clearly very intense for you. First I want you to read through our Pregnancy Panic Companion. How does it make you feel? Does it help ease some of your anxiety?
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Re: Update: Still having pregnancy scare thoughts. Help!

Unread post by ailel »


I actually feel a bit better? Not really complacent but better. I have a few questions hopefully that can be answered.

1. As what I have mentioned, I took an EC and bled a few days after for 5 days but not as heavy as my period. Could it be possible that my period come on the same time I had my withdrawal bleed? Not a month after taking the EC? Or could the withdrawal bleed that occured in september is my supposed to be period for october?
2. I have been tracking my discharge and lately I dont feel them in my panties but I feel them there in my vagina. As of writing, my discharge is thin white but not sticky. Could my period be coming?
3. Were the two negative pt results accurate? Or should I opt for a blood test or is that overboard already?
4. Do all pregnant women experience nausea or vomiting when pregnant? Because I am not experiencing that. Is that a good thing to say that I am not pregnant?

Tomorrow in my time zone marks 30 days since sexual encounter and I am scared that I still havent gotten my period.
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Re: Update: Still having pregnancy scare thoughts. Help!

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi ailel,

So, it's possible that the bleeding you experiences was your period rather than a side effect of using emergency contraception, but that's one of those things where we just can't say for sure, especially with how emergency contraception can otherwise make your cycle unpredictable. And with the discharge, that can be influenced by a lot of things, including where you are in your cycle, so it by itself isn't enough to predict if your period is on the way.

As for the pregnancy tests, as long as you took them according to the directions about when and how to test, you can assume the results are accurate.

Too, trying to tell whether you're pregnant or not from symptoms alone is a lot less effective than the tests you've taken. A big part of that is because a lot of the symptoms people assume are signs of pregnancy can have lots of other explanations. You can read more about that here: Chicken Soup for the Pregnancy Symptom Freakout's Soul
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