Why do I only feel pleasure when Masurbating sometimes?

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Why do I only feel pleasure when Masurbating sometimes?

Unread post by DeathLettuce »

Hello. So I’m an asexual and transgender ftm also 18 years old. I only started masturbating about a few weeks ago. I believe this is due to the Testosterone. With the growing of my clitoris I feel more comfortable masturbating and even enjoy it quite of bit.

I only masturbate with my clit tho and it seems like I can’t just do it whenever I want and feel the pleasure whenever I want. Idk exactly how this works. Can I feel pleasure whenever I want to masturbate or will it only happen sometimes? I’m pretty new to all this shit so lmk if you got an answer for me.
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Re: Why do I only feel pleasure when Masurbating sometimes?

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, DeathLettuce- welcome to the boards!

You know, as you get to know your body and learn what you like, I think you'll be able to feel pleasure from masturbation more consistently. It may be useful to remember that pleasure is really a whole body and mind phenomenon. If you'd like, try exploring other pleasurable sensations, and incorporating things like fantasies to keep your mind engaged.

I'd like to recommend an article here- Going Solo: The Basics of Masturbation. It really is a very thorough guide, and will probably help you fill in any gaps of knowledge.
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