Why do I have a weird fetish?

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Why do I have a weird fetish?

Unread post by snailwithhat »

I have a strange fetish that I am very ashamed of and wish that I did not have. I don’t feel a very strong sexual attraction to anything unless it involves the fetish. Is there any way I can get over it? Is it possible to discover a more normal fetish? Please help, I very much hate what I find myself attracted to.
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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Re: Why do I have a weird fetish?

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, Snailwithhat- welcome to the boards!

I understand why you might feel ashamed, but I want to reassure you that it isn't bad to have a fetish- even one that is unusual or stigmatized. While I don't think there is an effective and guaranteed way to get over a fetish, it is possible to discover new interests- try to explore new fantasies patiently, and don't judge yourself. As a starting point, perhaps you could think about what exactly you like about the fetish, and see if you can find such elements in other fantasies.
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