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Clarification on BC - White substance

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 6:46 am
by smithereens20
Hey guys, I love this site, as someone who didn't know a whole lot about this kind of stuff, and am first becoming sexually active, I use it a lot.

I have been on the combination pill for three months now. I have had sex with my bf several times, we always use a condom, too. However over the holidays I was traveling and I started the pill pack two days late. We abstained from sex until last night, which was after I had taken the pill for seven days straight. That puts me back under its effectiveness? I know you all recommend to wait a full pack after starting the pill, rather than seven days. Does that apply to missed pills?

I ask because we want to be covered really well with the condom and with the pill, otherwise we will wait until I get the effectiveness back that I am comfortable with.

We used a condom, too. And I do have a question about that. Is it normal for white-stuff to congregate near the base of his penis? I have read about how my own fluids can come out, as well. But it is concerning to see white stuff down there when we finish. It has happened a few times. Sorry for TMI... but we really inspected it the last time, and it smelled like the condom.. not like semen. Should I be concerned about that if it indeed is my stuff? And is it normal to always have that down there? I had trouble finding information on that.

I know you all can't actually tell me what it was for 100% certain. :lol:

Re: Clarification on BC - White substance

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:47 am
by Sam W
Hi smithereens,

For the missed pills, I would consult either the info packet that came with them (some pills also have websites with that info).

As far as the other stuff, it's most likely a mixture of discharge from you and lube (if you use it). So, pretty normal and nothing to be worried about (caveat there is if you're noticing worrisome discharge otherwise. But if not, you're fine)

Re: Clarification on BC - White substance

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:55 am
by smithereens20
It says if you have missed two or more pills in the first week (that is me), that you need to use a back up until you have taken the pill for seven consecutive days. It also says that you can start the pill at any time, and it will be effective after seven days of continuous use.

So I guess what I was asking is, is there something I am missing there? Because I saw you all recommend to wait a month until you start the pills. I didn't know if there was conflicting ideas about this. I guess I should trust what the packet says! Lol Just like to double check.

And yes I figured that might have been the case. The fact that it smelled like a condom made me believe that it was something of mine. We do use lube.

Re: Clarification on BC - White substance

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:04 am
by Sam W
Yep, when it comes to the missed pills, I would go by what the packet is telling you :)