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Vagina size

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:17 am
by IAskQuestions2
We have given you a lot of our time and attention, and exhausted really everything we have to say on this particular topic. Heather has also stated explicitly that although you may not agree with what we have said on the issue, we are not willing to engage in further conversation. If you wish to discuss why you are so very concerned about this issue, that is something we can do, but we will not continue to go back and forth with you in the way that we have been as it is simply not productive for anyone.
I am trying to talk about the issue. How can I do this?

Re: Vagina size

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:58 am
by Redskies
We're not offering you space here to talk about this in the ways that we already have with you, because as Karyn said in the quotation above, we have simply already made any and all of the responses that we possibly can, and repeating those conversations isn't constructive for us, you, or anyone else.

Would you like to talk, instead, about why you feel very focused on genital size? That might be a conversation that could be productive, and we're very willing to have a productive conversation with you. While - as I think we've said - usually in anyone's sex life genital size is a very minor thing, there are certainly very real reasons why it might feel like a big deal.

Re: Vagina size

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:36 am
by IAskQuestions2
The conversation started by me thinking that one particular gender was being focused on more than another.
Now Im wondering why this was the case, and why this site and its members say that vagina sizes/tightness etc do not have as much effect on pleasure as a penis.
I members actively targeting any guy that claims different women have different sizes or tightness but make no response to anyone talking about penis size in a similar manner.