wanting to publish a story with a sex scene

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Lyle Lanley
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wanting to publish a story with a sex scene

Unread post by Lyle Lanley »

so, i've seen there already was a thread about a teenager who had previously posted smut fanfiction. but my issue is a bit different.

there is an original story that i am writing, and it's complicated to explain right now but for now i plan to just write various short stories from that universe. in one of these stories/chapters, there would be a sex scene, but it's not meant for tittillating purposes. much the contrary, it's meant to depict a character's negative feelings, so there's more focus on an inner monologue and introspection, not really explicit/vulgar descriptions (but there's mentions of the pounding, movements and breath growing intense, pulling out and a painful feeling that came with it, the mention of a condom, and a character spanking the other the morning after). the scene is more focused, as i said, on the feelings of one character, that do get worsened by the sex they are having, but many other factors come into play. also the story has other sensitive and complex themes.

thing is, since i am a minor at the moment, is it illegal or immoral to publish something like this on an online platform like wattpad, or eventually in a book? it's not an outright erotic scene but it does contain sex, is it still the same as if it was pure porn?
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Re: wanting to publish a story with a sex scene

Unread post by Heather »

Hi there, Lyle.

What you're asking about is both fiction and text-based (IOW, not an image of any kind). I don't know of any laws in the west that restrict minors from this or criminialize this.

I can't speak to morality, since, unlike laws, it is entirely subjective and varies a whole lot from person to person, and also as it's historical basis is . Personally, I think a better way to frame this might be, "Is this in line with my ethics?" The origins of morality as a term are Greek, and relate to ethics. You know what your own values, or ethics, are, so working out if something you are writing is in line with them is just a thing for you to reflect on yourself.
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