Preparing for anal sex?

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Preparing for anal sex?

Unread post by adip0se »

My boyfriend and I were contemplating the idea of having Anal Sex for the first time and I was wondering what I could do to prepare for it? As in, what do I do to make it more comfortable and less painful, is there anything i should do to my body beforehand? Any/All advice is good.
Eddie C
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Re: Preparing for anal sex?

Unread post by Eddie C »

Hey, adip0se, have you seen this article? I think it might be helpful for you and your question. :) ... ex_lowdown
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Re: Preparing for anal sex?

Unread post by Keda »

Also, this isn't explicitly mentioned in the article, but as with any kind of sex - if it hurts (and pain isn't something you're aiming for), it's probably a good idea to stop. Not because you're doing yourself any damage, but just because sex is meant to feel good, not bad. That includes anal sex! The myth that it always hurts for everyone, and people who seem to enjoy it are just putting up with that, is crap.
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Re: Preparing for anal sex?

Unread post by adip0se »

I heard a rumor that I should empty my bowels beforehand? Is this true and how would I go about doing this?
Eddie C
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Re: Preparing for anal sex?

Unread post by Eddie C »

Your bowels are a very different thing from the rectus and the anus. While if you defecate before anal sex might be helpful, the rectum and the anus are only the passages of the fecal matter. Nothing gets stored there. So even if you don't go to the bathroom before sex, there is only going to be traces of fecal matter, that's all.

The very important thing with any kind of sex is to feel comfortable with your -- and your partner's -- body and bodily fluids as they are going to be involved always. Vaginal lubrication, semen, sometimes blood… you name it. And yes, sometimes traces of fecal matter if you decide to have anal sex. But to be honest nothing of this should be a problem when people is comfortable with their bodies and the way they work. Using a condom can reduce this a little, and especially with anal sex is always good to wear one to make it more comfortable for the receptive person and to avoid the transmission of STI's.
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Re: Preparing for anal sex?

Unread post by Bonthrop »

I'm with Keda. It shouldn't hurt! I found starting out with butt plugs pretty fun. And choose the right lube!
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