Penis question smell

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Penis question smell

Unread post by Anonyme2324goat »


To be honest I don't have a good history about my "sexual" higiene, but I'm gonna try to wash my penis everyday. Yesterday my penis smelled.. and today morning I washed my penis with a soap "bio sensitive intimate wash" that my mom bought me some time ago, apparently it's for women but I don't see the problem using it for my penis.
I pulled back the skin and washed and rinced my whole penis
However this evening it smells again. Should I wash it two times a day ?? Do I have balantitis ?
Help is welcome :)
Have a good evening
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Re: Penis question smell

Unread post by Heather »

Hi there, and welcome to the boards.

Balanitis is more a condition of inflammation and pain, than of smell. On the other hand, if you have been inconsistent with hygiene, something like a buildup of smegma is very common and can create a smell.

If you do have that buildup, then it could take more than one wash to take care of it, but be careful and don't overdo it all at once. Instead, maybe at the end of the day today, have another shower and wash. If that's what this is, you might also want to use a warm compress over the area under and around the head to help loosen those oils and cells before washing.

If after a day or two of this this hasn't gotten better or has gotten worse, then you might be looking at something like a yeast or other infection, so you'll want to access healthcare for this. Okay?
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