Anxiety Over Hypothetical Scenario

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Anxiety Over Hypothetical Scenario

Unread post by Penguins68 »

Hello, I hope the question I want to ask is ok here, I apologize if it is not. Scarleteen helped me many years ago and I came back because my anxiety is at an all time high. Can a person use semen from a towel, after it is wiped off from someone's stomach, and insert it to get themself pregnant within 5 to 15 minutes after ejaculation? Is it really unlikely to work and I'm just too worried?
Even though I don't suspect this attempt happened, the thought of "could it happen, would it work?" is making me never want to ejaculate near anybody ever again. I trust my girlfriend to not try that but my mind is telling me to be safe not sorry and I don't want to avoid her. And btw yes I am looking into talking to a professional for my anxiety/mental health.
Any answers or advice is greatly appreciated!
Sam W
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Re: Anxiety Over Hypothetical Scenario

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Penguins68,

I'm glad we were able to help you in the past, and I think we can do so again now!

The scenario you're describing doesn't pose a risk because sperm are a)fragile and b)need specific conditions in order to have any chance of making it to an egg. So not only are they not going to survive being transferred to from penis to towel, sitting out on the open, and then being transferred from towel to vagina, they also don't have things like the push from ejaculation that they need in order to co-create a pregnancy.

I'm glad to hear you're looking for mental health support, since it sounds like this might be related to some underlying anxiety issues. If you need help or some basic advice for finding mental healthcare, let us know and we can help you out.
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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Re: Anxiety Over Hypothetical Scenario

Unread post by Penguins68 »

Thank you Sam W for your reply! It is such a relief to actually get a helpful response and not a sarcastic or insulting reply. This particular situation for some reason has me pretty messed up, to the point where I sometimes don't want to eat or do anything because I feel so paranoid and regretful.

I keep thinking ideas like "what if she syringed it off of the towel while she was in the bathroom?" and she does not deserve to be thought of in that way.

If you have a link or advice for somehow managing this anxiety or whatever it is I may be experiencing I would really appreciate it!
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Re: Anxiety Over Hypothetical Scenario

Unread post by Heather »

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