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misleading sex ed?

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:40 am
by naurmi008
so my school's been giving my grade mandatory sex ed. but the things they teach seem to contradict the stuff i already know. they just claim every sexual encounter will lead to a pregnancy
one of the things they said that sparked my curiosity is that sperm can be "reactivated". like if a guy masturbates and sperm gets on his hand, it'll be able to "reactivate" if he fingers a girl. that's why we should avoid fingering overall.
another thing is they said that sharing a bathroom with a guy in the same household will get you pregnant bc the guy's sperm could've gotten on the toilet seat, which is why masturbation is "wrong" and needs to be avoided.
pls help me clear this up! 😭

Re: misleading sex ed?

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:54 am
by Heather
Holy smokes. :(

By all means, these things you're being told in school are not just inaccurate, they are literal fictions. Do you want to talk about possible options in dealing with this? Is this something you'd like to try and report and/or correct at school?

That said, one good thing is that it sounds like *you* have a growing confidence in the actual facts that you've been learning here and perhaps elsewhere, and that part is great.

Re: misleading sex ed?

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 7:05 am
by naurmi008
i think i'd like to correct the teachers who spread misinformation like these. i want to speak up but i'm not sure how to.
i'm scared that i'll just get scolded or people will stir up rumors again saying "how do you know all that if you haven't had sex yet?" and stuff
i wish my school would stop letting extreme religious beliefs influence the factual education that's supposed to be given to students. i want it to stop but i'm not sure how i can help

Re: misleading sex ed?

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 8:15 am
by Heather
So, it sounds like you don't think this was about the school not knowing what was being taught, that this was in line with other vibes at school, yeah?

Unfortunately, if this is a school that is led by extreme religious belief, then I think your gut feeling that correcting your teachers would have a bad backlash on you is probably because that's real. If you don't think your school or the teacher or your classmates would respond well to you offering corrections, and on top of that, you think it could result in you being harassed or scolded, then my best advice would be NOT to say anything.

Are your parents in agreement with the way this school does things?