question about sexual awakenings

Questions and discussion about your sexual lives, choices, activities, ideas and experiences.
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question about sexual awakenings

Unread post by alriune »

it might be a bit odd to ask this when i'm 20 and this happened years ago as a teen, but it's kinda been in the back of my mind ever since

one day when i was 16, just a week before my 17th birthday, i was the horniest i have ever been in my entire life. i was incredibly on edge and had to survive the school day trying to focus with every little thing setting me off, it lasted the entire time from when i woke up to when i got home where i immediately went to my room to masturbate which i hadn't really ever done before that. i was running on pure instinct lol. after i was done i fell asleep and woke up at 11pm, ate something, then went back to sleep. when i woke up the next day i was in a really good, refreshed mood

now i'm not really sure what a "normal" sexual awakening is supposed to be like but this stuck out to me because from that day onward i've had a decently high-ish libido (it ebbs and flows) and became kind of obsessed with sex and romance. i've never felt like that before, or since.

my question isn't if that's normal or not, but i was really curious if anyone knows the science behind my experience? why at that particular moment, and why was it so sudden, stuff like that. before that day i didn't really care about sex or dating, it was a literal overnight change
[walking down street pointing at everything i see] Need. Need. Cope. Need. L. Cringe. Based. W. Need. (sees own reflection in storefront window) aaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUGHUHUGHAUHAUHGUAHGUHAGUHGUHGUA
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Re: question about sexual awakenings

Unread post by Latha »

Hi there, Alriune!

I didn't notice this question when I was on shift yesterday- my apologies. And it isn't strange to ask, don't worry. I can't think of an explanation for why your specific experience was the way it was, though I understand that it isn't uncommon. Our sexualities are influenced by a number of different factors, so it could be that the factors just lined up that day. I'll ask the other volunteers and staff if they have ideas about this.
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