where to buy sex toys

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where to buy sex toys

Unread post by lorelailuv »

Does anyone know of any sex toy websites where you can get things other than sex toys? Like books, clothing, jewlery- really anything that doesn't look like I bought it at a sex store. I'm asking because I'm worried about my mom finding out about what I buy. I usually tell her everything so it would be suspicious if she saw me get a package but I didn't tell her what was in it, so I'd like to have a backup item that I can show her to cover up the purchase. I would order on Amazon but the toys I've gotten buying that way were disappointing (read: used) so I'd rather not do that again. I also tried walmart and target, but I didn't find anything I liked that much. At this point I might just try to figure out my mom's work schedule and try to arrange for a package to arrive when she's not home but I feel guilty for going behind her back like that.

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Re: where to buy sex toys

Unread post by Willa »

Hi Lorelai,

Can I ask about your worry for your mom finding out? Is it just the potential awkwardness or is it something that may cause conflict or an unsafe home environment? There are many sites with discreet packaging options, and you can always buy something in real life as a store to stand in as a delivered item. But if that does not feel comfortable to you there are other options for more inconspicuous toys such as diy that may be helpful to you: https://www.scarleteen.com/article/sexu ... ve_edition
Sam W
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Re: where to buy sex toys

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Lorelai,

I do want to add that, unless you're able to use some of the options mentioned in the DIY article, your ability to buy something at an in-person store is going to be pretty limited, since in most places in the U.S there are going to be laws in place to keep sex toy stores from selling to anyone under 18.
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Re: where to buy sex toys

Unread post by lorelailuv »

Hi Willa,

It's not an unsafe home environment or anything like that, it's just that I pretty much never do anything I'm not supposed to and I don't want to make her disappointed in me. Also, I found out that Urban Outfitters has a sexual wellness category that sells vibrators so I might order something from there, but thank you for the advice.
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