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can't make topic elsewhere?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:10 pm
by groudon17

I wanted to make a topic in the gender section of the forum but there's no New Topic button there? I went to FAQ and it didn't say anything about any kind of restriction, and the discussion I wanted to have I want to have with anyone that may be able to know what's up with the subject. Is there a requirement I need to meet, or some kind of error? Thanks! Sorry if this is a bad question but I couldn't find an answer elsewhere.

Re: can't make topic elsewhere?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 6:20 am
by Redskies
Welcome to the boards, and no worries!

Newly registered users may not create new topics on the boards in the "All the things" section until they've made 5 posts (more explanation here: ). You can start a topic in Ask Us if you want to talk only with staff/volunteers, or in Got Questions? Get Answers if you'd like to talk with our wider community too. If someone chooses community discussion, we can and do also move threads to the specific topic boards once the original poster has their 5 posts. Mostly the same people look at all the boards - and certainly the same staff/vols - so you'll get mostly the same audience wherever. We do moderate closely, and our community is thoughtful, supportive and smart, so I'd expect you to get only sensitive and sensible responses on any of our boards, too :)

Re: can't make topic elsewhere?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:56 pm
by groudon17
Thank you!