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Couldn't what I was looking for.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 5:43 am
by bon
So basically I didn't really have much luck on looking for the info I need so I'll ask here. Basically me and my girlfriend was having intimacy, I ejaculated twice, but at the second time I touched my penis which was under my pants at that time, and then fingered her, I forgot to wash my hands which was stupid of me but when I felt my hand it was a little to no wetness. So I wanted to know if there's a chance for any sperm to be there? and I came already before and peed after the first ejaculation.

Re: Couldn't what I was looking for.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:45 am
by Sam W
Hi Bon,

So, unless you ejaculated on your hand and immediately--I mean with no stops along with way and no time passing--inserted that hand into the vaginal canal or wiped it on the vulva, a situation like this does not pose a risk of pregnancy. Sperm are actually quite fragile, and require specific conditions in order to potentially co-create a pregnancy.