Bleeding after losing my virginity

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Bleeding after losing my virginity

Unread post by jane287 »

I lost my virginity on January 10th, at 6 am... it is now January 10, 11:16 pm I started bleeding as long as i put my pants on, It wasn't a lot, im not bleeding a lot it comes and goes. The blood was bright red btw my usual period blood is dark red. Now, it's just bleeding sometimes or randomly a little bit. we plan on trying again tomorrow, but my bleeding hasn't stopped yet. Is it normal? what do i do?
Sam W
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Re: Bleeding after losing my virginity

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi jane287,

If this doesn't look or feel like your period, given the timing it sounds like you likely got a small cut or tear inside the vaginal canal during sex. Was sex painful or uncomfortable at all? And were you and your partner using a lot of lube during it?

Even if the bleeding has stopped by now, you may want to hold off on any vaginal sex for another day or two, since you don't want to re-aggravate the injury and cause the bleeding to start up again.
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