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Unexplained bleeding- Scared.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:10 am
by Hypochondriac17
I have a 28-30 day cycle. My last menstrual period was on the 2nd of January. I haven't engaged in any sexual activity for over a month, and I'm not on any form of birth control or any other medication which may cause this- But I have vaginal bleeding for no reason. Its extremely light, but its more than just spotting. I just got over a huge pregnancy scare- So what does this mean? Should I be worried? I'm freaking out.

Re: Unexplained bleeding- Scared.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:19 am
by Sam W
Hi Hypochondriac,

There's no way for us to diagnose what the cause of the bleeding is. It could just be heavy spotting or cycle irregularity. If you're concerned about it, the best bet is to check in with a healthcare provider. Also, if you are not up to date on your STI tests, you may want to have those done as well.

Re: Unexplained bleeding- Scared.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:58 am
by Hypochondriac17
My STI tests are up to date. Also, given the normal duration of my cycle, is this just another early period or something else? What are some common causes of irregular bleeding?