Masturbation Troubles

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Masturbation Troubles

Unread post by L@dybug! »

I recently started masturbating, and it was going really well for the first few days. Turns out I was unknowingly edging myself. I got really into nipple play and dry humping my pillow, and I was easily able to feel pleasure. Now, a week and a half later, I spend twice as long trying to orgasm, yet the effects aren’t as extreme as they were.

I guess my question is: why is that? And is it possible to get back to how it was?

Please help, I need to feel as amazing as I did those first few times.

(Sorry if this is vague, this is my first time on this site)
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Re: Masturbation Troubles

Unread post by CaitlinEve »

Hey L@dybug! Welcome to Scarleteen!

I am curious to know what you personally mean by edging, as that changes the response a little bit. Now that you spend twice as long trying to orgasm, are you still doing the same behaviors (ie. nipple play & dry humping) that you were using before? It's possible if you're not that this routine is part of what makes your sessions more intense. Even though you are participating in a solo experience, foreplay is still a part of it and it sounds like maybe now that you're focused more on the concept of orgasming, it's harder to attain.

It's likely you'll still have intense orgasms down the line, it just may take some time and experimentation! It's possible that if you've been masturbating a lot and/or in the same general way each time, the 'novelty' of masturbation has worn off. Masturbation is different for everybody and sometimes it takes a while to find out what works for you. There's really no wrong way to masturbate, as long as it's safe. Orgasms as a response also vary ; sometimes, they're just less extreme than other times and that doesn't mean you're doing it 'wrong'. :)
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