would it be possible to delete account/posts?

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would it be possible to delete account/posts?

Unread post by chrysanthemum22 »

Hi, thank you for your help in answering my past question, it was very helpful. I am wondering if there would be a way for you to delete my accounts and posts?
I know that in the guidelines I agreed to when signing up that you do not typically delete posts or accounts, so I understand if this cannot be done.
I struggle with intrusive thoughts and ocd and made my account and posts in poor judgement in hope for relief from these thoughts, and now having my posts and account on here is really putting my mental state in bad condition.
Again, I know that my posts and account were and are my responsibility to make and that I was informed they would be permanent, so I understand if you cannot do this. Thank you for your time and the help you've offered me.
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Re: would it be possible to delete account/posts?

Unread post by Heather »

I moved them to the area of the boards only staff can view. We do need to keep records of our users, so don't delete accounts, but it sounds like you need to make a choice moving forward not to post here, since it isn't a good fit for you.

Might I suggest that in the future, you use our live chat or text/SMS service instead? Both of those are only ever seen by staff and the user involved, they aren't viewable by the general public like the boards are.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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Re: would it be possible to delete account/posts?

Unread post by chrysanthemum22 »

Hi, thank you so much for doing that and responding so quickly. I understand that you can't delete accounts. I agree that I should not be posting on the boards since it isn't a good fit for me, thank you for the advice. Thanks again so much for your help and I'm sorry for the trouble
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Re: would it be possible to delete account/posts?

Unread post by Heather »

It's okay. I hope you can feel better soon, and the other services are here for you if and when you need them.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
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