Wrong pill, wrong day

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Wrong pill, wrong day

Unread post by t-dawg »

For the past two months I've been taking the mini pill Microlut.
Because you're meant to take it each time everyday, I take it at 8am before school. As I've been on holidays, I just set an alarm to take the pill. But I had a late night last night and this morning, while still being half asleep, I took the wrong tablet at the wrong day..
I took the tablet that was meant for Sunday, 2 weeks in advance.
Will this affect the contraception side of things and affect when I get my period? :?
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Re: Wrong pill, wrong day

Unread post by Heather »

The minipill is the same medication every day of the pack, so this should have no impact on anything.
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Re: Wrong pill, wrong day

Unread post by t-dawg »

Thank you :)
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