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PMS - Nausea and Soreness

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:49 pm
by Fender909
Hey guys,

I noticed, last time I got my period on December 21st, I was nauseous the few days beforehand. I never threw up from the nausea, but there were times where I thought I would have to. And the past couple times of getting my period one of my breasts, particularly around the nipple would be sore to the touch.

I'm having both nausea and one slightly sore breast right now. I'm expecting my period sometime towards the end of this month. So I think this is a regular symptom i'm noticing not long before my period arrives.

Are these normal and healthy pre-menstrual symptoms?

Re: PMS - Nausea and Soreness

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:35 pm
by Eddie C
When we are talking about bodies "normal" is very hard to define.

You are the expert on your body so you are most likely the one who can say if this is "normal" or not, for YOU. Just keep in mind that even if it wasn't "normal" it doesn't mean is bad. Bodies are not machines and they can and often will react in several different ways.

So, looks like these symptoms are regular for you. :)

Re: PMS - Nausea and Soreness

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:45 pm
by Fender909
Thanks, Edith.

Re: PMS - Nausea and Soreness

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:48 pm
by Eddie C
You're welcome. :)