Is ovulation bleeding normal? Also, can saliva make sperm travel?

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Is ovulation bleeding normal? Also, can saliva make sperm travel?

Unread post by coolrainbow111 »

Hi Scarleteen! I'm sorry for being here again with so many questions.

The day after my ovulation I was with my boyfriend. I was touching his penis and some pre seminal fluid got in my hands. I immediately wiped it off with a tissue and ignored it until later, since I wasn't planning on touching myself or anything else anyways, I never usually do that since it makes me spiral a lot. The thing is that around 2-3 minutes after wiping, my boyfriend was giving me an oral and asked me to signal where I wanted him to continue, and I accidentally and briefly, like for a millisecond, touched my clitoris with my index finger that had been wiped previously. Never inserted my finger nor did I kept touching myself. But that obviously made me paranoid because I'm not sure if my finger was still moist from wiping it or not.
Later when I went to the bathroom to finally wash my hands I saw some pinkish gooey discharge and this already happened to me three days earlier (I already went for an ultrasound and nothing came out of it, so it's probably nothing to do with any polyps, miomas or anything like that). Maybe the activity we did caused that or it was ovulation bleeding(? Is it normal(? I'm not sure and I never saw that before.
And my other question is if saliva makes sperm travel or survive more, for example from my clitoris, or if what I'm asking is only anxiety fuelled(? Since that never happened to me before and it's very specific, I'm not sure of it and it is kind of a weird situation, I'm intrigued about all this, because now I really don't know the answer and that's why I'm asking mainly. It's like on that day everything turned out rather weird.

And as to make sure and to be clear, since I have OCD and talked about it before here, I only engage on sexual activity that I'm comfortable with and I did not stop every sexual contact since I'm taking meds and being guided by a therapist who also thinks that I should keep going with what I feel that I'm comfortable doing. The things is that I'm still trying to manage situations like this.

I'm sorry again and thank you!!
Sam W
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Re: Is ovulation bleeding normal? Also, can saliva make sperm travel?

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi coolrainbow111,

Let's start with the bleeding you're noticing. People can in fact have a little bit of bleeding when they ovulate, so depending on how accurately you're tracking your cycle, that could be what's happening here. If you noticed the blood only after sex, and that sex included fingers in your vaginal canal, that could lead to a small cut or tear that resulted in a little bleeding.

As for whether saliva can help sperm survive, the short answer is no. The longer answer is that sperm need specific conditions created by ejaculation and pre-ejaculate in order to survive; they aren't compatible with just any liquid. Too, they really aren't going to survive the transfer from penis to hand, then being wiped off, and then hand to vagina.

Too, it may be useful to know that when it comes to pre-ejaculate, there's no 100% way to know at the time if it contains sperm, but it's generally agreed upon that it is most likely or only likely to when a person with a penis has recently ejaculated and has not urinated afterwards (urine flushes the urethra out, removing traces of sperm). It's generally considered to be least likely to contain sperm when a person with a penis either hasn't ejaculated in a while and/or has recently urinated.
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Re: Is ovulation bleeding normal? Also, can saliva make sperm travel?

Unread post by coolrainbow111 »

Hi Sam W! Thanks for your response!

In this case there was no fingering, just oral sex and that time I accidentally and briefly just brushed my clitoris with my finger, nothing else. That's why blood concerned me.

Well, I'm tracking my cycle by monitoring the discharge and trying to see my temperature, I also have an app that kind of matches with what I calculate from that info. And it's usually pretty accurate, since my period always ends up coming when predicted. Plus, since a teen I was always scared thinking that you absolutely get pregnant during ovulation and that you should be aware of any sexual contact of any kind. So that still is kind of a heavy weight.

That's kind of a relief, my boyfriend didn't ejaculated since days before that incident. And thank you for clarifying the saliva part, I was terrified of sperm being washed down and entering the vaginal canal that way. Talking to you I also remembered that just moisture is not going transfer viable sperm on my clitoris and that precum usually contains sperm of poor quality. But I guess that because this experience was new to me, I freaked out in an unnecessary way.
Sam W
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Re: Is ovulation bleeding normal? Also, can saliva make sperm travel?

Unread post by Sam W »

I'm glad my answer was helpful!

As far as the bleeding goes, I would just keep an eye on it for now, especially if it's more like a pink-tinged discharge than full on bleeding. If you notice it's not going away and it's not your period, or if you start noticing other symptoms like pain, itching, or other discomfort in that area, that would be a time to check in with a healthcare provider just to see what's going on and get it treated as needed.
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Re: Is ovulation bleeding normal? Also, can saliva make sperm travel?

Unread post by coolrainbow111 »

Will do that! Thanks a lot!
Sam W
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Re: Is ovulation bleeding normal? Also, can saliva make sperm travel?

Unread post by Sam W »

You're welcome!
And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow/with smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go/turn to and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain/and like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again.
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