clothing as a barrier

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clothing as a barrier

Unread post by naurmi008 »

hi! so i know dry humping poses no risks of pregnancy bc of clothing blocking direct genital-genital contact and semen-vulva/vaginal opening contact
but would clothing serve as a safe barrier in other activities like manual sex?
like if my bf were to finger me and i have a layer of clothing on, would this act as a barrier to "block out" whatever trace of semen might be on his hands from getting into contact w my genitals?
Sam W
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Re: clothing as a barrier

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi naurmi008,

Yep, clothing acts as a barrier against pregnancy during manual sex as well, for the same reasons it acts as one during dry humping. Too, manual sex the way it usually happens doesn't pose a risk of pregnancy; theoretically, rubbing the vulva with a hand that recently touched semen--and I mean recently, we're talking very soon after the semen got on the hand--but theoretical isn't the same as likely.
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Re: clothing as a barrier

Unread post by naurmi008 »

hi! i'm coming back to this thread to ask another question
for dry humping, does moisture present change the risk?
like moisture from my own genitals or moisture from my bf's ejaculate
Sam W
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Re: clothing as a barrier

Unread post by Sam W »

Nope, that does not change the risk! A good rule when looking for information on things like that here is that if something does meaningfully change the pregnancy risk of an activity, we'll mention it. So if you don't see it mentioned, that means it doesn't change the risk.
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