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Odds of getting an std?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:47 pm
by houseofscandal

So I did something very dumb. Last night I was hooking up with this guy and he didn't want to wear a condom, but I insisted because I'm always really careful about these things. But it was pretty obvious that the condom didn't fit right, it was too tight and didn't roll down all the way. So this morning I agreed to have sex again and didn't ask him to wear a condom.

He pulled out just before he started cumming, so I probably got pre-ejaculate in me before he pulled out, and I think he probably got a little cum in me too because he was already cumming as he pulled out. Also he came very close to my vulva so I think some could have dripped back in. I'm on the pill so I don't think I'm pregnant, but I'm really worried about getting an std. He seemed so casual about not using a condom that I don't think he uses them a lot.

I feel so, so stupid. I never thought I would be the kind of girl who would do something like this. I've found a lot of sites that tell me my odds of getting pregnant but none that tell me my odds of getting an std from doing this. I want to know what my chances are as well as how soon I can get tested. My friends are telling me to get tested this week but I think that might be too soon? Please help, I'm so scared and I don't know what to do.

Re: Odds of getting an std?

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:38 pm
by Eddie C
Hello there, Houseofscandal. Welcome to the boards. :)

Unfortunately I can't give you the odds of you getting an STI from your last sexual activity. That would depend on your partner and his STI status, you know? What I can say is that, yes, every time there's a direct contact without any kind of barriers there is a risk to get an STI. I understand you feeling bad about it but maybe you need to cut some slack. We live and we learn, we are only humans.

What you can do now is be proactive about this and yes, get tested just to be sure everything is okay. And moving forward make a policy for you -- if this is something you want -- to always use condoms, especially with a new partner.

Here's a great article that might be helpful for you: ... _sex_howto