Testicular self examination

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Testicular self examination

Unread post by Anonyme2324goat »

Good evening,

Around 1 month ago, I found out about testicular self examination to see if I have any anomalies on my testicules that would require further attention.

However, I haven’t done any actual examination, because I get stressed, and feel really uncomfortable touching my testicules. It’s mostly because I think about what’s inside, the spermatic cord etc, and I think “What if I break something” it feels so sensitive, and I also know about testicular torsion and how I could just accidentally twist my testicule…
Today, I didn’t sit in a good position and I had a stomach pain for a moment coming from my testicules. Since then, I have a slight discomfort in my left testicule and I don’t think there’s a lot to worry about, it’s just been a few hours and I’m not dying of pain, but it just stresses me so much.

I’m not asking for medical advice, I just want to know if other men and boys over 15 just feel comfortable with touching their testicules (if yes, has it always been like that?) and maybe also doing a self examination every once in a while.

I also want to thank the owners and contributors to this platform because I find it really helping and generous to provide these services :D .
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Re: Testicular self examination

Unread post by Sofi »

Hi Anonyme2324goat, welcome to the boards!

To answer your main question, yes, many folks do feel comfortable touching and occassionally self examining their testicles. That being said, it's understandable that you're a bit nervous about it. Testicles can be sensitive, but try to remember that they're meant to be on the outside of your body and therefore are more resilient than it feels.

As long as you're being gentle, you won't hurt yourself or break anything by doing a self examination or any other handling of them. Sometimes you might sit on them and they'll hurt for a bit, that's normal and nothing to be concerned about!
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Re: Testicular self examination

Unread post by Anonyme2324goat »

Good evening,

Happy to know I’m not the only one to think like this. I hope I will get more and more comfortable with “manipulating” my testes. I feel less anxious now that you tell me this. To be honest yesterday I couldn’t get myself to sleep because I was thinking what if I loose a testicule but I’ve talked about it with other people and apparently if I had a testicular torsion it would be so painful that it’d be hard to ignore, so that was definitely not that slight discomfort I was feeling.

Anyways, thanks for your help :D
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