Condom Broke

Questions and discussion about pregnancy, pregnancy options and/or any part of parenting.
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Please do not wait on us if you may need or want EC (like the morning-after pill). Because it is most effective the sooner it is taken or administered, we suggest that you go ahead and get it, and if you want to talk to someone about whether or not you choose to use it, we can do that with you after. That way, you have it ASAP if you do decide you want or need to use it. <3
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Condom Broke

Unread post by brendie »

We were having sex and the condom broke. She is currently in the fertile window time frame. I didn’t cum but i’m scared the precum will get her pregnant. Should we be worried?
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Re: Condom Broke

Unread post by Willa »

Hi Brendie,

So if there was a condom failure but no ejaculation, the risk for pregnancy is low but not zero. Is this person you had sex with on any type of birth control? If she is not it is up to her what her next steps are, but if she wants chance of pregnancy as low as possible emergency contraception is advisable. An important thing to consider is if she choses emergency contraceptive to take it sooner rather than later as it is more effective the sooner one takes it. Let me know if you have any questions about this or if you would like to discuss proper condom usage so it does not break in the future.
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Re: Condom Broke

Unread post by brendie »

No she is not on birth control. but she did end up taking a plan b an hour after this all happened. chances should be very low i hope. how can i avoid condom breakage?? thank you for the response by the way.
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Re: Condom Broke

Unread post by KierC »

Hi Brendie,

Plan B is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours, so if she took Plan B within one hour, that would be within that window of effectiveness. That being said, it’s always a good idea to take a pregnancy test two or so weeks after taking Plan B, especially if she hasn’t gotten a period again by that time. How does that sound?

To avoid condom breakages in the future, there’s a few things you can do! Condoms can break or slip for multiple reasons, including improper fit (too big/small, or just not the right brand), not enough lubrication, expired condoms, improper application, and more. We have an article outlining the different reasons why condoms can break, and how to avoid it, here: ... n-it-wrong

Looking through that article, do you have any questions about proper condom usage and how to avoid breakage?
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