wanting a relationship

Questions and discussions about relationships: girlfriends, boyfriends, lovers, partners, friends, family or other intimate relationships in your lives.
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wanting a relationship

Unread post by nemo101 »

I know for a fact that I am an attractive person, and I want to be in a relationship with someone, even though it would be temporary, yet I can't seem to attract someone enough to ask me out. With problems at home, I don't feel safe to ask a parent, or tell them about any feelings I might have for another person. I'm a confident person, but not confident to make the first move on someone I think is cute. Sometimes I lay in bed dreaming about having a connection with another. Kids at my school date all the time, and I feel like I am missing out on something. I imagine what it would be like.

Is confidence key? How can I respond to be hit on?
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Re: wanting a relationship

Unread post by Latha »

Hi Nemo101!

Yes, confidence is in fact, key. But I understand how it might be difficult to build up the kind of self-assurance you need to ask someone out. That can take time, and it is something many people struggle with. So if no one has asked you out, that doesn't mean you aren't attractive enough- they might be feeling the same way you are.

How should you respond to being hit on? There isn't a single formula for this, and it depends a lot on how you feel about the person in question and what kind of relationship you would want to have with them. If you do like them, you can try to reciprocate and show that you're interested through your body language or through the conversation you have with them.

Is there anyone you're interested in right now? And if I may ask, do you have a sense of how your parents would react if they found out that you were in a relationship?
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