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Reproductive coercion

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:44 am
by Heather
What is it? It's a kind of abuse, or part of abuse as a whole, where someone forces or coerces someone else when it comes to their own reproductive wants and choices.

• Sabotaging birth control methods (putting holes in a condom, saying it is on when it isn't or taking it off halfway through, hiding or ruining someone's pills, etc.)
• Refusing to honor agreements about sex and contraception (like, if withdrawal is what one person says has to take place, both agree, and then the person who agreed to withdraw willingly chooses not to)
• Getting in the way of someone making a pregnancy choice for themselves (like keeping someone from getting to an abortion appointment, or trying to force someone else to terminate or continue a pregnancy)
• Using coercion to get someone who doesn't want to take certain reproductive risks to take them anyway

Reproductive coercion is common in controlling or abusive relationships that are also sexual relationships, and it's also particularly common with young people. And while the greater burden of reproductive coercion is always going to be on the person who can themselves become pregnant, this kind of coercion or abuse is still coercion or abuse if someone who can themselves become pregnant does this stuff to someone who can't (IOW, cisgender men can, too, be victims of reproductive coercion).

Has this happened to you? Is it now? Do you think it might be, but aren't sure?