Questioning Sexuality
Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 2:12 am
I am female. I’ve been thinking for years that I am bisexual without ever fully exploring a relationship with another woman. I have been with my male best friend for years. But once again, and not for the first time in my life by a long shot, I have feelings for a female friend. I consistently end up with feelings for women who are straight. I’m struggling at this point because I know my reasoning for never pursuing a relationship with a woman is fear. I know for a fact that I’m attracted to women. I kissed multiple girls before I ever kissed boys, and it was definitely something I was willing to explore when I was younger. The older I got, I feel the more I was afraid of what other people would say or think, and now, more afraid that I’ll find out I’m far more attracted to women than I could ever be with men and that it might blow up my current life. I’m deeply afraid of my feelings towards women at this point in my life. But I also know ignoring how I feel and continuing like this could create bigger issues down the line. Things haven’t always been a cakewalk with men either. I’ve multiple times been nauseated from being with them, and I’m not very interested in or attracted to their genitalia just really the effect of the act. I’m super confused.