I keep thinking I’m pregnant

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I keep thinking I’m pregnant

Unread post by cheetah347 »

Hi all,

I’m really struggling. Ever since I started dating my boyfriend, I started finally seeing what it felt like to be truly attracted to someone, and with that came some intimate moments. I haven’t had sex with him and don’t plan on to for a while due to personal reasons, but there’s been times we’ve gotten intimate by making out and dry humping, always with clothes on. Every time this happens though I always get SO paranoid that I am pregnant. Usually my period comes on time and my worries go away but it happens every time.

Recently, for the past few months, I stopped worrying cause I’ve chalked it to being impossible after reading so many forums and bugging my best friend and my boyfriend about it. They’re both really reassuring and tell me it’s okay but I seriously cannot be prengbat so don’t worry. But here’s the thing…

This past month, I had finals. I had a really bad sort of attack or panic attack during a final and I’m not even really sure what it was but I do remember getting intense heat and chills, getting extreme dizziness and nausea, going pale, and not being able to focus at all. I felt nauseous and dizzy the rest of the day with some periodic cramps, and for the rest of the week I felt weird. My period wasn’t due for a week or two. This past month I had some of these intimate moments with my boyfriend but we never had sex, always had clothes on.

Finally finals are over and my period is due, but it doesn’t come. I’m currently 8 days late and I’m freaking out. I keep second guessing whether or not something happened with my boyfriend, what if we did something while we were sleeping and both of us didn’t know? Crazy thoughts like these. What if while we were making out or dry jumping something got through the clothes? What if my shorts or underwear moved over? He was wearing shorts and underwear but what if stuff got through that? It’s just so many possibilities that I’m driving myself crazy.

Currently, I’ve been feeling like a very mild pain in my abdomen (not horrible like I usually have with my period), some tender breasts recently, slight bloating and slight lower back pain. It’s really freaking me out because these are pregnancy symptoms. I’m really about to go buy a test because I keep getting so nervous over this it’s ruining my days. I wake up and go to sleep thinking about this.

If anyone’s reading this, is it possible? Should I just stop worrying? Maybe my period is late because of the stress I had this past month but I’m just so worried. If anyone had any comments about this please feel free to share.
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Re: I keep thinking I’m pregnant

Unread post by Sofi »

Hi there, welcome to the boards!
I hear you're having a lot of anxiety around pregnancy and I want to start by addressing the question (is it possible you're currently pregnant), then addressing the anxiety itself.

From what you've described you and your boyfriend have done, it is not possible for you to be pregnant. This is with fully clothed dry humping and kissing. Those can't lead to pregnancy. To put it bluntly: YOU CANNOT BECOME PREGNANT WHEN YOU HAVE PANTS ON.

Regarding your anxiety, I would say if it's something that is weighing on you this much, do not engage in actual pregnancy-risky behavior, at ALL, until you've worked out that anxiety. Mental health professionals can help with this. Until you can feel less anxious about becoming pregnant, please be very safe with what acts you and your boyfriend engage in so it doesn't make your anxiety even worse.

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