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Random question

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 12:08 am
by 4639449
Is it normal to not feel anything during your first time? I mean like i could feel it but it didnt hurt or feel good or anything, i just didnt enjoy it and was very underwhelming

Re: Random question

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 6:52 am
by Sam W
Hi 4639449,

Thank you for moving this over from text, I do think this a better fit in terms of our direct services as a place to have this conversation!

So, while "normal" isn't a super helpful concept when it comes to sex (because our experiences and sexualities are so varied), I will say that plenty of people find their first time having partnered sex, or a particular kind of sex like vaginal intercourse, to be underwhelming or disappointing. Sometimes that's because it's easy to build those things up in your head and then be disappointed when they don't live up to what you imagined, or because when we're new to partnered sex we and the other person probably aren't all that practiced at things like communication, which is a big part of sex being satisfying and enjoyable. Do either of those feel like they apply to you here?