Possible sti/std both virgin

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Possible sti/std both virgin

Unread post by Yohanz »

Hi just wondering the risk of getting sti because my gf just gave me my first blowjob and it's her first time too it is unprotected and I didn't finish insids her mouth.
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Re: Possible sti/std both virgin

Unread post by KierC »

Hi Yohanz,

We have a great resource that can help you determine the different STI risks of different sexual activities. Can I Get Pregnant, or Pass On An STI From That?

You’ll see that you can get an STI from oral sex, and it is best to use barrier protection like a condom, in this case. Too, it’s important to get tested for STIs, even if just for reassurance.

I know we mentioned a few times that it may be best for your anxiety to take a step back from activities until you understand and are comfortable with the risks involved. What did you think about that?
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Re: Possible sti/std both virgin

Unread post by Yohanz »

I don't feel any anxiety just wondering if there's need to worry about the risk of getting sti through unprotected oral sex
Sam W
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Re: Possible sti/std both virgin

Unread post by Sam W »

Hi Yohanz,

You can find the answer to that in the piece Kier linked you. Too, I think this piece will provide important, additional information: Can people with no sexual experience have an STI?

I do think that, going forward, it would be sound for you and your girlfriend to read up on and talk about the risks of a given sexual activity before you try it, rather than waiting until after it's happened to check. How does that sound?
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