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New to the Pill—Having a Scare

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:09 pm
by bubblystarfish
hi! i just started taking the pill (the generic brand of Yaz 28) in october. i had my withdrawal bleed starting on thursday, may 30. it was not late, in fact, it was a day early. however, the blood was an extremely odd color for me. it appeared almost black or really dark brown. as the bleed went on it got lighter in color, but also lighter in amount. i’m still bleeding today (june 4), but the bleeding stopped and then re-started. this is very unusual for me, as my bleeds normally get heavier and last for 7-9 days, as compared to 4-6 days. i am sexually active and took a pregnancy test today to be sure, and it was negative, but i’m still feeling some anxiety about it. am i going crazy?

Re: New to the Pill—Having a Scare

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:54 am
by KierC
Hi there Bubblystarfish, and welcome to the boards!

You’re not going crazy at all, your concerns are very valid! It can be anxiety-inducing when your period changes in consistency and cycle, especially when the pill is involved, so I hear you!

Just to clarify, have you had a withdrawal bleed before since taking the pill in October? And before this withdrawal bleed on may 30, when was the last period you had? I ask because sometimes if you haven’t had a period for awhile, when you do have a withdrawal bleed the blood can be darker in color, a bit oxidized looking if that makes sense.

The bleeding getting lighter in color and amount as the days go on sounds normal to me, and could very well be that your cycle is getting used to your birth control (this can take a few months, sometimes longer for some folks). Too, some folks on this pill find that their period lasts shorter and can get lighter in amount! However, if you are concerned about things like too much bleeding, or significant pain, you can certainly discuss with a provider how the pill is working with your body or any other concerns. How does that sound?

Re: New to the Pill—Having a Scare

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 9:10 am
by bubblystarfish
hi kierC!

i have had a withdrawal bleed before, and my last one was 5/3-5/8. i start my packs on sundays, but my bleeds don’t start until fridays, and i typically bleed through the first active week. thanks for the advice!