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Confused about bodily fluids

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 8:41 am
by nikofreitas
Last weekend, my girlfriend and I had a few minutes of vaginal sex (with a condom that dind't break). However, before penetration, I noticed a fluid very similar to sperm at the entrance to her vagina. I thought it was her fluid, since she was wet and I didn't touch my penis to her vagina without protection, and I didn't ejaculate, so I did it anyway and... this fluid entered her vagina. I also fingered her clitoris after that. Is there any risk of pregnancy here?

Re: Confused about bodily fluids

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 8:55 am
by KierC
Hi Nikofreitas, and welcome to the boards!

The fluid you’re describing sounds like it’s from your girlfriend, most likely from her becoming lubricated during arousal — it can also look similar to pre-ejaculate or ejaculate fluid! Too, as your penis didn’t touch her without protection, you can assume that the fluid isn’t yours, and that the condom you wore did its job to prevent pregnancy. How does that all sound?