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No libido, I'm frustrated

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:55 pm
by emmajones2
Hey guys!

So I was this girl with the highest libido, I loved to masturbate 2-3 times a week and always reached orgasm, it felt amazing.

I met this guy, he was my first "real" sexual experience, and we dated for 4 months. I remember the first times we had sex, I was so wet, it was crazy, it sounded a lot, and he always was very impressed of how wet I was, I got really excited, but unfortunately I never ever reached orgasm with him, not even close, there were times were it felt good, but he changed positions or whatever, and it was over.

I stopped feeling sexual arousal around him, and I ended the relationship. I didn't enjoy sex at all, and I saw it pointless to just be with someone who kept me extremely unsatisfied. Instead, he gave me a yeast infection 🙃, I never suffered from even an STI in my whole life, now that was my reality. I took my treatment and I was cleared out. Now I'm single and wanted to masturbate after 4 months but I'm just dry, and I've been feeling dry for a while, since the last weeks with him.

I enjoy penetration more than clit stimulation but I just don't lub anymore down there, no matter what I do or think. I tried masturbating my clit and reached orgasm but not even being that excited made me want to use the dildo in my vag. I tried and I felt nothing. 100% dry

I'm sad and worried, what is happening to me? I blame that guy. Each time we had sex I ended up more and more unsatisfied that now I have zero libido. What can I do 😭

Re: No libido, I'm frustrated

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:12 pm
by CaitlinEve
Hi emmajones2,

I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with this! Just to clarify, you finished your entire course of treatment and have been confirmed to be yeast infection free correct? Vaginal dryness is a symptom of yeast infections, so it's not unusual that you'd be experiencing this after but I know it's disappointing and annoying to deal with! You mention having zero libido but also said that you became sexually excited and orgasmed after masturbation; is the arousal or the lubrication your biggest concern? It's possible that this disconnect you're feeling between your body and your mind is what's impacting your arousal.

What I would recommend if you are able would be to go to your primary care provider, or gynecologist if you have one, to address this issue as it's not impossible that you still have a lingering yeast infection. They may also be able to pinpoint other potential issues, such as a hormone or pH imbalance. For the time being, are you using lube to assist your sessions?

Re: No libido, I'm frustrated

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:36 am
by Sam W
Hi Emma,

In addition to what CaitlinEve suggested, can I ask how sexual interactions between you and this guy generally went? Were you communicating a lot about things like positions, or how things felt, or talking before hand about what you each liked or were excited to try?