having trouble focusing during masturbation

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having trouble focusing during masturbation

Unread post by meadowlarking »

hi. i'm trans ftm and i have a short attention span. i also take a high-dosage ssri, which are famous for making it difficult to orgasm. since it takes me such a long time to finish, my mind tends to wander when i masturbate, slowing down the process even more. what can i do to heighten my focus while i'm masturbating?
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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Re: having trouble focusing during masturbation

Unread post by Latha »

Hi Meadowlarking, welcome to the boards!

It might help to use some kind of sexual media- that is, listen to, read, or watch something sexual- while you masturbate. What do you think of this?

(You can speak to your doctor if your medication is making it difficult for you to enjoy sex or orgasm. They may be able to provide some options.)
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Re: having trouble focusing during masturbation

Unread post by meadowlarking »

hey, thank you. i feel a lot of shame when i read or watch something to help me focus, and i have a hard time dealing with it. i wouldn't be able to lower my dose of medication because my current dose makes me feel a lot better compared to when i was taking a lower one. if you have tips on how i could reduce my shame and embarrassment in terms of reading/watching sexually stimulating stuff that would be wonderful
scarleteen staff/volunteer
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Re: having trouble focusing during masturbation

Unread post by Latha »

Hi Meadowlarking,

We can definitely talk about ways to reduce feelings of shame and embarassment. To start, do you have a sense of where these feelings are coming from? What thoughts come to mind when you read or watch things?
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