my nipples have no sensation

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my nipples have no sensation

Unread post by fernstalk »

AFAB. Welp, just like the title said. I've tried touching them on my own and nothing. My girlfriend has tried too and sometimes I don't even notice it. It's like it's numb, like after you get anesthesia in the dentist and you can't feel your cheeks? Yeah, it's like that. Any explanation?
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Re: my nipples have no sensation

Unread post by CaitlinEve »


The most likely explanation is that that's just your body! Different people have different bodies and different levels of sensitivity, so it's not out of the ordinary that stimulation of your nipples may not result in the sensation you are expecting. Some people can reach sexual satisfaction with only nipple stimulation, whereas others couldn't care less about it, and these are both perfectly normal situations. It's possible that you just have less sensitive nipples. There are products you could try to achieve the sensation you're looking for, if you'd be interested (like tingling lotions or nipple suction). That being said, I want to make sure that this isn't a new development; have you ever felt sensations or arousal from your nipples before/is this numbness new?
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