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Minor in kink - help?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 3:30 am
by anonymousfish
I’m a minor (aro/ace) but I have a specific kink that is rather embarrassing to talk about but it’s a constant in my mind. I’m looking to find a way to either get rid of it or put my thoughts to rest for a bit but I’m not sure how. I know kink spaces are 18+ and that I should wait, and I’m not planning on truly indulging in the kink until then. Even so, I have had rampant thoughts; I have a high libido but no sexual or romantic attraction to anyone. What should I do?

Re: Minor in kink - help?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 8:31 pm
by CaitlinEve
Hi anonymousfish,

Kinks can be tricky, especially as a minor. Obviously, we insist and hope that you do not join kink spaces as a minor for both your sake and the sake of others in the community but I'm sure you know that! That being said, depending on what your kink is, you may find alternative ways to engage with it on your own. This advice column may help you to browse, as it's based around the subject of kink and minors.