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Dry Humping and Light period

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:22 pm
by lovelybella3233

A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I were dry humping with clothes on. He had cummed a bit on his shorts and then got on top of me a few seconds later. I was really paranoid and this week I got my period when I expected to get but this time around it only lasted for 2 days. The first two days were normal and very intense cramps and now today which is the 3rd day is very light. Should I be worried that I can be pregnant? I have been really stressed for a few weeks now and after I got my period I felt better but now I dont know if it was my period even though it felt like it was and I am really anxious. I was bloating like usual and heavy cramps, as well as the blood seemed kinda heavy the first two days and now its like almost gone (considering its the 3rd day). Also the I took a pregnancy test the day I was going to get my period it was negative but with this period lasting only 3 days I am scared.

Re: Dry Humping and Light period

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2024 6:33 am
by KierC
Hi there lovelybella3233, and welcome to the boards!

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been stressing about this for a few weeks — I know it can be a really crummy experience to be anxious about these things for a longer period of time.

Dry frottage (rubbing genitals together with clothes on) does not pose a risk to pregnancy as long as at least one partner is wearing clothes that cover their genitals. To clarify first, when you say he got on top of you a few seconds later, did you or he still have clothes covering your genitals?

We also have a really good resource for anxieties surrounding pregnancy risk too, called The Pregnancy Panic Companion. If you go through this, you’ll see that there’s links to different pages for whatever situation you’re in, including pregnancy scares when you’ve had a period, and pregnancy scares when you’ve had a negative pregnancy test. How does that sound to you?

Re: Dry Humping and Light period

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2024 8:09 am
by lovelybella3233

Thank you for responding. We both still had clothes on the entire time

Re: Dry Humping and Light period

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2024 8:43 am
by KierC
Hi there,

Yes! So if you both had clothes on fully covering your genitals, that activity did not pose a risk to pregnancy.