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Pls the anxiety is eating me

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 4:38 am
by hellothankyou

Im travelling and i met a girl on a night out. we had unprotected sex but i pulled out to ejaculate. Im not too sure where it ended up since it was dark, but i know it wasnt directly on her vagina. She is not on any birth control pill so i bought her a morning after pill the next morning. Pls help me, the anxiety is eating at me. What are the chances? should i message her and ask if shes had her period (this happened 7 days ago) ?

Re: Pls the anxiety is eating me

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:36 am
by KierC
Hi there Hellothankyou, and welcome to the boards :)

There may be a small risk because you are unsure where the ejaculate went, however the Plan B you bought them should address any pregnancy risk there, especially if it was taken the morning after. Can I ask why you decided to go without a condom? Too, are you up to date on your STI screenings?

Re: Pls the anxiety is eating me

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:52 am
by hellothankyou
Thanks for the reply!
Honestly, just poor judgment. Im not too worried about STI since we spoke after and she has had few partners in the past. I know the chances of pregnancy are slim but it is still making me anxious. Is there any way to know or be sure?
thanks again

Re: Pls the anxiety is eating me

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:08 am
by KierC
Hey there Hellothankyou,

So, the only way to be sure is to take a pregnancy test — it can honestly help with some pregnancy anxiety just to have the negative result stare back at you. However, I know you were traveling and they aren’t near you now, so it may be that you’ll have to manage these anxieties without that reassurance. Thankfully we do have a resource for situations like this, our Pregnancy Panic Companion, which can help you go through your specific situation and ease some concerns.

Too, it’s important to note here that knowing how many partners someone has had is not the same as knowing their STI status or your STI status. Are you able to complete an STI screening?

Re: Pls the anxiety is eating me

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:10 am
by hellothankyou
Great thanks,

Yes i can get an sti screening done.

i really appreciate the help thanks a million

Re: Pls the anxiety is eating me

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:14 am
by KierC
You are very welcome! I’m glad you can get a screening and glad I could help. :)