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Vaginal Discharge

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:42 pm
by niayuki
I noticed today that my cervical mucus or discharge came out with an odd color,it looked kind of brown. This has never happened to me before, so I was wondering if it's normal and why it may be occurring.

Re: Vaginal Discharge

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:48 pm
by Mo
Hi Nia-Yuki,

This article on discharge might help: Honorably Discharged: A Guide to Vaginal Secretions
Sometimes brown discharge will happen just before or after a period, so that may be what's causing it right now.

Re: Vaginal Discharge

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:50 pm
by niayuki
Thank you! Exactly what you said is happening, I ended my period three or four days ago so I believe that is the cause of it changing color. It's always good to learn something new :)