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Just inserted one finger in.. now what?

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 2:16 am
by Rain39
Im 17 years old and I'm trying to explore my body more. I tried many times to insert a finger in but i was always too scared- until now that is, it hurt a little when i did.

But, now what?

I didn't feel anything other than its hot inside. I just thought, maybe i need something that can go deeper than my finger since they are, quite literally, the size of a elementary kid's hands- albeit a little larger. I was planning on using my cinnamoroll pen i got to go deeper. I lived with strict parents so i just have to do it in the right time.

But do you all have suggestions on what i should use instead? Im kind of lost here.

Re: Just inserted one finger in.. now what?

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:10 am
by KierC
Hi there Rain39, and welcome to the boards!

I definitely have suggestions on what you can use to explore vaginal entry. The thing about the vaginal canal is that it’s not as long as people usually think! It’s typically around 3-4 inches deep, so even if you have small hands, you may still be able to explore your vaginal canal. I’ll say, too, while some folks do enjoy deeper insertion, there are *plenty* of folks who do not find it enjoyable, instead enjoying more shallow insertion, or even no insertion at all. So, you’re not alone if you insert a finger and it doesn’t feel mind-blowing. But, there are definitely things I can suggest, including using a safer sex toy.

I want to send you this article first: it can show you how to make your own sex toys to use at home, that are still safe. DIY Sex Toys: Self-Love Edition. I’m worried that the cinnamoroll pen may be a little too sharp and jabby for vaginal insertion, but maybe a toothbrush head with a condom over it will work? :)

Here’s some more ideas on how to make vaginal insertion, and masturbation in general, more comfortable:
1) Use lubricant to ease pain with insertion
2) Start slow (also to ease pain) and only increase intensity if you feel comfortable
3) Make sure you’re comfortable, relaxed, aroused, and in a private place
4) Explore other erogenous zones! Try incorporating the vulva, clitoris, anus, whatever feels good for you. You can read more about those zones here: With Pleasure: A View of Whole Sexual Anatomy for Every Body

Another article, too, on all things masturbation: Going Solo: The Basics of Masturbation

How are you feeling about all of that? Going through those articles, do you have more questions about exploring masturbation?

Re: Just inserted one finger in.. now what?

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 3:26 pm
by Rain39
Thank you so much, i appreciate it!

I had always explored my clitoris but i wanted to try out something new so i inserted a finger in

My goal was just to reach the g spot that i always see on videos, and my finger is like, close to it- like it just barely hit halfway. I searched google images to see where i had stop, with what i felt inside as reference. So far, I've only got in like.. the bump thingy at the beginning? Though i have no lube nor do i want to buy a sex toy because.. well, i live with strict parents.

I do want to ask if there is an alternative to condom? I don't really have one

Re: Just inserted one finger in.. now what?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 3:46 am
by Latha
Hello Rain39!

Hmmm, I don't think there is an alternative to condoms in the situation that Kier suggested. Lube and condoms are very useful to have on hand when you're exploring sex. Would you like to talk about some ways you might be able to access them without going through your parents?

You don't have to buy a sex toy if you want one - the first link that Kier posted
(DIY Sex Toys: Self-Love Edition) discusses ways you can make sex toys with what you have at home.

Re: Just inserted one finger in.. now what?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 5:32 am
by Rain39
Oh, well I don't really have lube and the old condom my dad had are probably in the trash now since my mom did clean out the drawers...

I guess my finger is fine? What about spit as an alternative for lube? It's just a little pain and it'll go away once my body gets comfy with my finger inside. Thanks though, I'll try to do those DIY sex toys if i have time and resources. Really appreciate the info!

Re: Just inserted one finger in.. now what?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 6:38 am
by aarija
Hey Rain39!

Spit is often used as an alternative for lube - it does tend to dry up quickly but it works in a pinch. Some people use oils or petroleum jelly as well, but it is not recommended for penetration as these materials can trap bacteria in the vagina and can irritate the skin. Some clinics offer single use lubricant packets that are a little more discreet.

As far as alternatives to condoms, single use gloves are a decent alternative. They are available in latex, rubber and other materials, and will do the trick when experimenting with DIY sex toys.

I will also add that if the goal is to try something new, there are many ways to masturbate outside of penetration and clitoral stimulation. I recommend the article KierC shared earlier,
Going Solo: The Basics of Masturbation

Re: Just inserted one finger in.. now what?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 7:22 am
by Sam W
Hi Rain39,

I do want to add that, for masturbation, there are some oil-based forms of lube that can be found around the household. You can read about those options, and things to consider when using them, here: Lube 101: A Slick Little Primer .