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clearing things up

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:26 am
by naurmi008
hi! so i was with my boyfriend today and no intercourse happened, but i did give him a handjob and halfway through (way before he ejaculated) he asked me to touch myself, so i did -- but only my clit, i didn't actually get to finger myself
i was a bit paranoid that this might have a risk (i was worried that i might've touched some precum on the base of his penis) and bought plan b pills
but the thing is my period cycle got messed up because of how often i was taking plan b pills
would it be irrational of me to take them again? should i save it for next time when there's an actual risk?

Re: clearing things up

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:16 pm
by CaitlinEve
Hi naurmi008,

What you’ve described does not pose a risk, and so I would recommend that you do not take Plan B considering your concerns about the impact on your cycle. I would like to bring your attention to the last line you wrote in your post; ‘should i save it for next time when there’s an actual risk’. This demonstrates well that you know, underneath your anxiety and worry, that this specific activity can not and will not result in a risk of pregnancy . It’s important that you realize you can be a reliable resource for your anxiety!